A few days following the AGM held on April 9, 2019, the newly formed Board of Directors of the Labdara Foundation met to form the new executive. The new President/Chair of the Board is Antanas (Tony) Businskas; the Vice-chair is Elena Lelienė, the Executive Secretary is Victoria Paulionis-Charko and the Treasurer is Virginia Pečiulis.
The new Labdara Board of Directors confirmed at the AGM held at Labdara on April 9, 2019: first row from L to R are the newly elected Directors: Vice-chair Elena Lelienė, Algimantas Nakrošius and Rasa Juozapaitytė-Kapeniak. Second row from L to R.: Nursing home administrator Laura Puteris, internal auditor Edis Stravinskas, Executive secretary Viktoria Paulionis- Charko, Zita Bersėnas-Cers, Judy Kavaliauskienė, Nijolė Simonavičienė, Žibutė Janeliūnienė and re-elected Treasurer Virginia Pečiulis. Missing from the photo: Antanas (Tony) Bušinskas and Dr. Rūta Valaitis.
The new Chair of the Board of Directors of Labdara Foundation is: Antanas Bušinskas.