
Making a Gift of Securities

Your Gift of Shares to the Labdara Foundation is 100% tax exempt. Since 2007, gifts of shares to foundations like Labdara are 100% exempt from capital gains tax. If you own securities or mutual funds that have grown in value, you will pay capital gains tax when you sell them.

By donating them directly to Labdara Foundation you can eliminate this tax and also receive a Charitable tax receipt equal to the value of the securities or funds transferred.

You can also donate securities or funds through your will. Oftentimes the taxes owing on a final tax return are significant. This is an excellent way to offset these taxes and potentially increase the inheritance left to your loved ones.

1. Please go to the CanadaHelps website:

2. Scroll down and under the heading “Donate To This Charity Now” click the box “Donate Securities” and follow the instructions.



Learn how you can help sustain Labdara Nursing Home

Labdara Lithuanian Nursing Home is owned by the Labdara Foundation, a not-for-profit registered charity B/N 118987775RR0001.
The home is managed by UniversalCare Inc.

Website Sponsored by PARAMA Credit Union Ltd.


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