
Why Donate?

With your support we can continue to provide quality care and remain amongst the top rated nursing homes in Toronto.

It costs approximately $6.4M to operate Labdara annually. Labdara’s mortgage is $4.7M. Debt service payments total $582K annually. Our capital reserve fund is $583K and is a condition of the mortgage agreement.

Sources of funds for Labdara are: the Ontario Government Ministry of Health, resident fees, Bingo, bequests, and donations.

Ministry and resident funds pay for nursing, staff, programing, personal care, groceries, and accommodation needs of the residents but it is not enough to provide our residents with quality of life services or to cover contingencies the home may require. Government funding has not kept up with rising costs for staffing, utilities, repairs, maintenance and other operating expenses. Through careful management we balance our budget overall.

From donations to Labdara, the Board of Directors allocates funds for priority projects: capital replacement, computer and security systems, etc. Previous years donations have built the entrance portico, bought resident electric beds, mattresses and lifts, outdoor furniture and awnings, backwater valve for flood prevention, sunscreen shades for resident dining rooms and much more.

Our future priorities include upgrading emergency electrical capacity for food coolers and electrical bed plug-ins and a nurse call system. We will implement priority projects as funds raised allow us to do so. Our operating costs are ongoing and annual. Anything beyond day-to-day operations depend on your donations. Thank-you for your support, we could not do it without you!



Learn how you can help sustain Labdara Nursing Home

Labdara Lithuanian Nursing Home is owned by the Labdara Foundation, a not-for-profit registered charity B/N 118987775RR0001.
The home is managed by UniversalCare Inc.

Website Sponsored by PARAMA Credit Union Ltd.


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