

Labdara Lithuanian Nursing Home shall...

  • provide the highest quality care, encompassing the dignity, respect and rights of those in residence.

  • plan and deliver care cooperatively with its staff, residents, family members, and government bodies.

  • foster a living environment in which Lithuanian customs, traditions and language are preserved and encouraged.

Specific Goals

Labdara's Continuous Quality Improvement Program sets specific goals, implementation methods for such goals and measures to insure effectiveness of implementation.  Some of these goals in the CQI Plan are listed  There is a link below to Labdar'as CQI Plan below.

  • The percentage of potentially avoidable emergency department visits will remain below 5% of the total resident census/month.
  • Complaints submitted to the home will be responded to with in 10 days for 100% of the total number of complaints submitted.
  • Resident & Family satisfaction surveys will indicate satisfaction with care & services provided for 90% of the surveys completed.
  • 100% of resident care plans will indicate a holistic approach to palliative care from early to end of life supports and quality of life interventions

For further goals, you may wish to view Labdara's  CQI STRATEGIC PLAN


Learn how you can help sustain Labdara Nursing Home

Labdara Lithuanian Nursing Home is owned by the Labdara Foundation, a not-for-profit registered charity B/N 118987775RR0001.
The home is managed by UniversalCare Inc.

Website Sponsored by PARAMA Credit Union Ltd.


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