

J. Kavaliauskas, Chair, and the Board of Directors of the Labdara Foundation are pleased to announce the appointment of LAURA PUTERIS as Administrator of Labdara Lithuanian Nursing Home, effective Monday, January 21, 2019.

Laura completed her Bachelor of Science in Nursing at Nipissing University. Most recently she has been employed as Resident Care Director at a 180-bed unit in a retirement community in Thornhill. She worked for three years overseas with 'Doctors without Borders', and prior to that worked as a nurse within the University Health Network for seven years. These positions were wide-ranging in scope and she has solid experience in managing a variety of responsibilities. Congratulations and we welcome Laura warmly to her position as Administrator.Judy Kavaliauskas, Chair, and the Board of Directors of the Labdara Foundation are pleased to announce the appointment of LAURA PUTERIS as Administrator of Labdara Lithuanian Nursing Home, effective Monday, January 21, 2019.


Labdaros Fondo Direktorių Tarybos pirmininkė J. Kavaliauskienė ir Labdaros Fondo Direktorių Taryba, maloniai praneša, kad nuo 2019m. sausio 21d. lietuviškų slaugos namų LABDARA, Toronte Administratorės poziciją perims LAURA PUTERYTĖ. Laura įsigyjo bakalauro laipsnį slaugymo srityje iš Nippising universiteto. Pastaruoju metu ėjo Resident Care Direktorės pareigas 180 lovų turinčiuose senelių namuose Thornhill, Ontario. Tris metus Laura dirbo Doctors Without Borders organizacijai įvairiose šalyse. Prieš tai, septynis metus dirbo slauge Toronto University Health Network (UHN) ligoninėse. Jos įvairialypė slaugymo bei vadybininkės patirtis Laurą gerai paruošė naujoms pareigoms Labdaroj. Sveikiname ir linkime sėkmės naujose pareigose.


Learn how you can help sustain Labdara Nursing Home

Labdara Lithuanian Nursing Home is owned by the Labdara Foundation, a not-for-profit registered charity B/N 118987775RR0001.
The home is managed by UniversalCare Inc.

Website Sponsored by PARAMA Credit Union Ltd.


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