
Sharing our Stories -- Lithuanian Canadian Museum Project


Four of our residents participated in the project SHARING OUR STORIES under the leadership of the Lithuanian Canadian Museum and Archives located in Mississauga, Ontario. They were interviewed and vide-taped by museum staff and volunteers. Now their stories have been produced as a 40 minute long video. Museum staff, Alexander Valavicius, came to our Home on Thursday, July 20th to present and show the film. About 20 residents attended. They listened attentively to the stories of their fellow residents about how they left Lithuania because of the Second World War, how they lived in Displaced Persons camps in Germany and about the first days of a new life in Canada. Many thanks to Alex and Museum Director Danguole Juozapavicius for sharing this video film with us. 


Learn how you can help sustain Labdara Nursing Home

Labdara Lithuanian Nursing Home is owned by the Labdara Foundation, a not-for-profit registered charity B/N 118987775RR0001.
The home is managed by UniversalCare Inc.

Website Sponsored by PARAMA Credit Union Ltd.


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