
Current Fundraising

Our Current Fundraising

We are now ready to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Toronto Challenge, the City’s premier fundraising event for seniors in the community and residents living in City of Toronto long-term care homes. The agencies such as Labdara Lithuanian Nursing Home who fund raise through the Toronto Challenge make a difference in our community and we need your support to improve the quality of life for seniors at Labdara
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Donations to LABDARA NURSING HOME are necessary and welcome anytime. Just click on the DONATE NOW icon and please donate at any time. Your donations are put to work for the direct benefit of the nursing home residents.


In order to maintain Labdara’s “A” rating, ongoing maintenance and enhancements to the facility are required. Your donations are being put to work in constantly refurbishing, refreshing or reinstalling equipment that has outlived it’s time. These photos reflect some of the major initiatives that are putting your dollars to work. Thank-you for your ongoing support and we continue to commit to using Labdara’s funds effectively in making Labdara a good place to live!

New Flooring Redesigned Nursing Stations
Industrial Mixer Patio Furniture

Thank you so much for those who have donated and have supported Labdara Lithuanian Nursing Home. We have been able to purchase new benches for the island. They look great, are comfortable and most importantly are safe for our residents, families and friends. Our residents' garden and the new benches are shown below: This could not have been possible without your donations. Many thanks!


Learn how you can help sustain Labdara Nursing Home

Labdara Lithuanian Nursing Home is owned by the Labdara Foundation, a not-for-profit registered charity B/N 118987775RR0001.
The home is managed by UniversalCare Inc.

Website Sponsored by PARAMA Credit Union Ltd.


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