

OUR ANNUAL BAKE AND CRAFT SALE saw a great turnout at the Labdara nursing home on Sunday, November 17th. The baked goods were delicious, thanks to the donations of our generous contributors. There were several Napoleon tortes (the queen of all Lithuanian tortes) on offer and they sold quickly. Many other offerings were securely packed by our wonderful volunteer sales ladies and taken home to enjoy later. Let us also acknowledge the efforts of our crafters who produced such eye catching products

The residents enjoyed playing host to children and grandchildren who used this opportunity to visit and enjoy a baked good and hot drink together in the common room, Tado svetainė. The variety of crafts presented by talented craft-makers challenged us to choose those Christmas gifts with great care. Thanks to everyone for a wonderful and enjoyable afternoon whose proceeds will bring direct benefit to our residents through the Activation Department’s programming.

A chance to sample and socialize

We welcome younger members of the community to the Bake and Craft Sale

LABDARA NURSING HOME THANKS everyone who contributed to the successful Bake and Craft Sale and raffles held last Sunday. The Raptor’s basketball game tickets were won by Agota Ratavičius and Edward Stončius. The 50/50 raffle was won by: Eugene Krikščiūnas, Sandy McCullough and Hennefore Vasarais. The event raised $5,500 for the nursing home. Sincere thanks go to the volunteers without whose help this event could not have happened, to all the bakers and donors of baked goods, the crafts vendors, the donors of the Raptor’s tickets, volunteers who sold the cakes and served in our cafe, to everyone who purchased raffle tickets and donated to Labdara Foundation. These funds will provide direct benefit to our residents for monthly excursions, art and activities supplies, snacks and special occasion celebrations, honorariums for musical performances at Labdara. Sincere thanks to everyone! Without you we couldn’t do the work we do!


Learn how you can help sustain Labdara Nursing Home

Labdara Lithuanian Nursing Home is owned by the Labdara Foundation, a not-for-profit registered charity B/N 118987775RR0001.
The home is managed by UniversalCare Inc.

Website Sponsored by PARAMA Credit Union Ltd.


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