
Toronto Challenge 2018

Toronto Challenge - 2018

TORONTO CHALLENGE FUNDS raised will buy more outdoor chairs for our resident balconies at Labdara.  Sincere thanks to the 12 individuals who made up TEAM LABDARA and successfully completed the 1km. or 5km. Walk or run on Sunday, June 19th starting at Toronto City Hall’s Nathan Phillips Square. This year we raised $2,490.00.  This will enable the purchase of 4-5 more chairs (one costs around $500).; Thank-you to the walkers and their sponsors and to those who donated to support Team Labdara online through Labdara’s website’s “Donate Now” button.

TEAM LABDARA 2018 at Toronto City Hall sets out to walk for Labdara Lithuanian Nursing Home
Team Labdara

Labdara’s Activation Department staff, Volunteer Coordinator and Team Labdara organizer: Nerijus Augutis wearing the cap, with Team Labdara walker Jerome Peralta at Nathan Philip’s Square..


Learn how you can help sustain Labdara Nursing Home

Labdara Lithuanian Nursing Home is owned by the Labdara Foundation, a not-for-profit registered charity B/N 118987775RR0001.
The home is managed by UniversalCare Inc.

Website Sponsored by PARAMA Credit Union Ltd.


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