HELP FROM TALKA IN OUR FIGHT AGAINST COVID : LABDARA received a welcome Christmas gift from Hamilton’s TALKA credit union - a $1,000 donation which will help in our fight against the COVID-19...
PARAMA’s SUPPORT FOR COVID RELIEF: Over the years LABDARA has relied on funding support from the community, especially our Lithuanian credit unions. Once again, Toronto’s PARAMA Lithuanian Credit...
HALLOWE’EN AT LABDARA In spite of the COVID-19 pandemic, we celebrated Halloween in good spirits. The residents gathered at socially distanced intervals in their various costumes, decorated pumpkins...
KOVO 11toji LIETUVOS NEPRIKLAUSOMYBĖS ATSTATYMO ŠVENTĖ LABDAROJ: prieš 30m. mus pasiekė neįtikėtina žinia, kad Kovo 11d. 1990m. Lietuva atstatė savo nepriklausomybę ir tapo laisva šalimi. Visi...
KLAIPĖDOS JAUNIMO TEATRAS LABDAROJ Kovo 7d. su pasirodymu mus aplankė profesionalus jaunimo teatras iš Klaipėdos. Malonu buvo žiūrėti kaip šis jaunimas neleidžia senovės Lietuvos dainoms “sutartinėms...
J. Kavaliauskas, Chair, and the Board of Directors of the Labdara Foundation are pleased to announce the appointment of LAURA PUTERIS as Administrator of Labdara Lithuanian Nursing Home, effective Monday, January 21, 2019.
Labdara Lithuanian Nursing Home is owned by the Labdara Foundation, a not-for-profit registered charity B/N 118987775RR0001.
The home is managed by UniversalCare Inc.
Website Sponsored by PARAMA Credit Union Ltd.