The donations contributed by these Fund Raisers are being put to work in constantly refurbishing, refreshing or reinstalling equipment that has outlived it’s time.
Some of the projects that we able to undertake because of these Fund Raisers are listed below:
• New Hardwood Flooring
• Kitchen Equipment such as industrial type mixers
• Redesigned Nursing Stations
• Patio furniture so residents can enjoy outdoors
TORONTO CHALLENGE 2023 EITYNĖS Birželio 13 dieną Sekmadienį įvyko Toronto Challenge-2023 eitynės/ bėgimas paremti Toronto senjorus ir juos remiančias organizacijas. Už mūsų LABDAROS slaugos namus ėjo...
Over the years, a dedicated team of volunteers: Sandra Burke, Vidas Valiulis and Birute Batraks have worked at the Delta St. Clair Gaming Charity Bingo for the benefit of LABDARA Lithuanian nursing...
HELP FROM TALKA IN OUR FIGHT AGAINST COVID : LABDARA received a welcome Christmas gift from Hamilton’s TALKA credit union - a $1,000 donation which will help in our fight against the COVID-19...
PARAMA’s SUPPORT FOR COVID RELIEF: Over the years LABDARA has relied on funding support from the community, especially our Lithuanian credit unions. Once again, Toronto’s PARAMA Lithuanian Credit...
*/ OUR ANNUAL BAKE AND CRAFT SALE saw a great turnout at the Labdara nursing home on Sunday, November 17th. The baked goods were delicious, thanks to the donations of our generous contributors. There...
TORONTO CHALLENGE 2019 raised $2170 for Labdara ($1500 came in through sponsors of Team Labdara and $700 came in through online donations through CanadaHelps on our website’s DONATE button link minus...
NEW NURSING STATIONS are now installed on all three floors of our nursing home. Sincere thanks to the generous contributions from the three Lithuanian Credit Unions for their total donation of $16.6K...
BAKE & CRAFT SALE 2018 - A SUCCESS Sunday, November 18th was a busy day for volunteers, bakers, craft makers and residents alike. Our common room Tado Svetaine was abuzz with excitement and...
TORONTO CHALLENGE FUNDS raised will buy more outdoor chairs for our resident balconies at Labdara. Sincere thanks to the 12 individuals who made up TEAM LABDARA and successfully completed the 1km. or...
CONGRATULATIONS - TEAM LABDARA MADE IT! 5km Toronto Challenge Walk on June 11th was a success!!! TEAM LABDARA did it again! 20 people walked 5km. for LABDARA on Sunday, June 11th during the Toronto...
15TH ANNIVERSARY DRIVE FOR NEW RESIDENT DINING ROOM FURNITURE was launched by the Board of Directors of Labdara Foundation in April 2017 and was completed by the first week in November 2017 - $75,000...
TORONTO CHALLENGE WALK or RUN on Sunday, June 12th, 2016, reached its goal and raised $4,800 for LABDARA!!! We will be able to purchase sunscreen window blinds to eliminate the glare in the 2nd and...
The Weston Golf and Country Club provided a lovely venue for the Labdara Nursing Home GALA held on a spectacular and warm, sunshine filled early evening on June 4th, 2016. The Roaring 20's themed...
TENTH ANNIVERSARY GALA 2012: this GALA commemorated the Tenth Anniversary of Labdara nursing home (2002-1012) and took place on June 2, 1012 at the Palais Royale on Toronto's waterfront. Labdara has...
THE FIRST GALA 2009: took place on October 24th, 2009 at the St. George Golf and Country Club. The black-tie affair featured dinner and dancing as well as a silent auction. Funds raised built an...
Labdara Lithuanian Nursing Home is owned by the Labdara Foundation, a not-for-profit registered charity B/N 118987775RR0001.
The home is managed by UniversalCare Inc.
Website Sponsored by PARAMA Credit Union Ltd.